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Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 24, 2020, 2:59 p.m.

Вибродиагностика, Дефекты подшипников

And again the vibration diagnostics showed its effectiveness. Today is another example from the practice of detecting defects in bearings. We have a TsNA pump 100-50-5, engine power 22 kW, 3000 rpm. Vibrocontrol is carried out once a month. The vibration of the bearing support with the thrust bearings 46-309 installed in it usually did not exceed 2 mm / s. At the next vibration control, a colleague revealed an increase in vibration velocity to 4 mm / s, reported a possible bearing defect and recommended replenishment of the lubricant.

ЦНА 100-50-5

ЦНА 100-50-5

Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 23, 2020, 12:38 p.m.

Вибродиагностика, Дефекты подшипников

After almost a year of inactivity due to repair of valves on the pressure pipe, they called for the pump 1K100-65-250 to be turned on (N = 45 kW, n = 2940 rpm).



Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 22, 2020, 8:55 p.m.


I have seen a lot in my practice, I had to work with many equipment, but I did not encounter screw pumps. They are very expensive, including in maintenance, and, accordingly, are rare. And so it happened. The problem is immediately with two pumps Н1В 20/5 - 16/5 (N = 5.5 kW, n = 1440 rpm).


Pump Н1В 20/5 - 16/5

Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 22, 2020, 6:24 p.m.

Посторонний шум, Вибродиагностика

One of the common reasons for calling a specialist in vibration diagnostics is noise from the unit. Sometimes the reasons are commonplace: a plastic bottle stuck between the fan blades (noise + vibration), lack of tightness of the door to the air conditioning fan chamber (whistling noise), faulty pressure valve in the ventilation network (periodic noise + vibration), etc. But more often, extraneous noise is a consequence of mechanical problems of the unit, which are the task of technical diagnostics to identify.

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