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Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 22, 2021, 2:28 a.m.

Удары в муфтах, Расцентровка, Вибродиагностика

Двухшарнирная кулачковая муфта

Cam couplings with an elastic damping element are quite common in enterprises, lower requirements are imposed on their alignment than for elastic sleeve-finger couplings, but from personal experience this does not save from problems that arise with them. In this article, we will analyze a practical example of diagnosing a defect in a double-joint cam clutch.

Vibration adjustment

March 18, 2020, 11:43 a.m.

Расцентровка, Виброналадка, Вибродиагностика

The frequency of encounter with such a defect as misalignment depends on the culture of equipment installation and repair at your enterprise. On mine there are some problems with this, which makes my professional career more diverse. I propose to consider the classic practical case of misalignment and evaluate its effect on vibration parameters.


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