Vibration diagnostics → Loose seating of centrifugal fan bearings
Sept. 12, 2020, 10:20 p.m.Дефекты подшипников, Виброналадка, Дисбаланс, Вибрация, Вибродиагностика
Vibration diagnostics → Осевая вибрация на насосе 14НДС-12К, N=195 кВт, n=960 об/мин;
Balancing → Rotary equipment multi-plane balancing program
Aug. 26, 2020, 9:54 p.m.Balancing → Influence of the imbalance of the ventilation unit with vibration isolators on the power consumption
July 21, 2020, 12:38 p.m.Balancing → Two-plane balancing by two pairs of loads
April 6, 2020, 1:07 a.m.Two-plane balancing is most often carried out using calculations in specialized programs. The task is to determine the sensitivity to test weights in both balancing planes and calculate the corrective weights. But in this article I want to highlight one of the methods of dynamic two-plane balancing of a rigid inter-bearing rotor without using programs. I am sure it will seem at least interesting to many experts. As always, with a real practical example at the place of operation. A fan of a double-sided suction in a belt drive (n = 3000 rpm) will act as a test subject.

Balancing → Supply fan balancing
March 31, 2020, 3 p.m.Vibration adjustment → Vibration adjustment of the vertical pump unit ХП45 / 54-2,0
Feb. 29, 2020, 7:37 p.m.Виброналадка, Дисбаланс, Резонанс
In this article I want to talk about the difficulties encountered during vibration adjustment, the interweaving of many different defects at the rotational speed, the search for solutions to the problem, and the possibilities of the vibration adjustment specialist are not unlimited. A story without a happy ending, as always from our own real practice.

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