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Vibration diagnostics

Oct. 9, 2020, 8:46 p.m.

Дефекты подшипников, Вибродиагностика

Recently we faced an interesting problem - identical bearing defects were found on four identical centrifugal pumps for four months.


Vibration diagnostics

Sept. 20, 2020, 8:35 a.m.

Дефекты подшипников, Вибродиагностика

For another real example, I propose to consider vibration diagnostics of fan bearings. Let's disassemble the bearings and make sure that inspection is a key step in determining the root cause of the failure.


Vibration diagnostics

Sept. 12, 2020, 10:20 p.m.

Дефекты подшипников, Виброналадка, Дисбаланс, Вибрация, Вибродиагностика

Equipment repair is a must. A diagnostic specialist has to assess the technical condition of the equipment, and, accordingly, the quality of the repair. But it so happened that I expect the withdrawal of the unit from repair at my enterprise with some shudder.


Fan diagram with measurement points

Vibration diagnostics

March 7, 2020, 12:08 p.m.

Посторонний шум, Дефекты подшипников, Вибродиагностика

In this article, we consider a practical example of the diagnosis of extraneous noise from a pump D 2500-62-3 (N = 500 kW, n = 750 rpm) from the side of bearing No. 4. We identify the defect and determine the root cause of its formation.


Pump D 2500-62-3

Ultrasound diagnostics

Feb. 29, 2020, 9:23 p.m.

Эксперимент, Дефекты подшипников, Ультразвук

More recently, an interesting case has occurred during maintenance of the electric motor of the pumping unit. Anyway for me. But it is interesting for the experiment and the consequences that will certainly replenish the piggy bank of my technical experience, and therefore yours. But first things first.


SDT-270 fully loaded

Ultrasound diagnostics

Feb. 29, 2020, 8:44 p.m.

Ультразвук, Дефекты подшипников

Friction is all around us. Without it we would find it very difficult to run, walk, or even stand on our own two feet. We need friction to drive our cars and fly our aeroplanes; and we need friction for our motors to drive pumps. But when it comes to our plant machinery, friction is both friend and foe.


Over lubrication raises the temperature inside the bearing

Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 25, 2020, 6:13 p.m.

Дефекты подшипников, Вибродиагностика

Another interesting example from practice. Two centrifugal fans of 3000 rpm are installed side by side, conventional air filters are at the inlets, the pressure pipe is common, the pressure pipes are rigidly connected to the cochlear flange. One is always at work, the second is in reserve. Switching once a month.

Fan circuit

Fan circuit with measuring points

Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 24, 2020, 2:59 p.m.

Вибродиагностика, Дефекты подшипников

And again the vibration diagnostics showed its effectiveness. Today is another example from the practice of detecting defects in bearings. We have a TsNA pump 100-50-5, engine power 22 kW, 3000 rpm. Vibrocontrol is carried out once a month. The vibration of the bearing support with the thrust bearings 46-309 installed in it usually did not exceed 2 mm / s. At the next vibration control, a colleague revealed an increase in vibration velocity to 4 mm / s, reported a possible bearing defect and recommended replenishment of the lubricant.

ЦНА 100-50-5

ЦНА 100-50-5

Vibration diagnostics

Feb. 23, 2020, 12:38 p.m.

Вибродиагностика, Дефекты подшипников

After almost a year of inactivity due to repair of valves on the pressure pipe, they called for the pump 1K100-65-250 to be turned on (N = 45 kW, n = 2940 rpm).


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