Vibration diagnostics → Case of life. Unbridled axial vibration of the electric motor idling (after warming up)
April 29, 2020, 7:36 p.m.Vibration diagnostics → Putting modal analysis into practice
April 19, 2020, 12:38 a.m.Резонанс, Вибродиагностика, Модальный анализ
I want to devote this article to the practical application of modal analysis. I have never dealt with modal analysis, there were no devices with corresponding functions, and now they are not and are not expected. Very expensive. But this is not a reason to despair and put an end to such an interesting method. The solution to the problem is 3D modeling and calculation of vibration modes. How I came to this, how to do it and what I got in the end - read on.

Vibration diagnostics → The weakening of the landing of the coupling half on the motor shaft
April 14, 2020, 5:54 p.m.Вибродиагностика, Ослабление посадки на валу
Poor repair quality is the key to problems with your equipment. With a developed system of collective irresponsibility, the specialist in technical diagnostics is the last frontier in protecting equipment from the "human factor". In this article, I propose to consider an example of the detection of marriage after repair of an electric motor.

Vibration diagnostics → Vibration Phase Analysis
April 11, 2020, 8:42 a.m.In many cases, vibration diagnostics by vibration spectra does not help to accurately identify the defect. And additional diagnostic methods come to the rescue, including phase analysis. A small and very informative article will teach you how to use this tool effectively. I am sure that for very experienced vibrodiagnostics the information will seem interesting.

Vibration diagnostics → The electric motor burned out. Search for a reason
April 8, 2020, 1:54 a.m.Technical diagnostics and adjustment of equipment is a big responsibility. And now imagine that after the repair of the unit and the balancing performed by you, the electric motor burns out in two days. Your feelings I think at least unpleasant. And when the electricians tell you that the cause is seized bearings - it looks like a stone in your garden. You can agree and blame the unexpectedly failed bearings for everything (what happens?), Or you can conduct your own investigation and get to the bottom of the root cause.

Vibration diagnostics → The practical result of the transition to servicing equipment in technical condition at the enterprise LLC Tomskneftekhim
April 7, 2020, 12:43 a.m.It is always interesting to get acquainted with the results of the work of colleagues from other enterprises. See what problems they face, what tasks they have to solve. Unfortunately, in the field of technical diagnostics, specialists are in no hurry to share their experience and knowledge. Therefore, with special thanks to colleagues from Tomskneftekhim, I propose to look at examples from their practical activities.

Balancing → Two-plane balancing by two pairs of loads
April 6, 2020, 1:07 a.m.Two-plane balancing is most often carried out using calculations in specialized programs. The task is to determine the sensitivity to test weights in both balancing planes and calculate the corrective weights. But in this article I want to highlight one of the methods of dynamic two-plane balancing of a rigid inter-bearing rotor without using programs. I am sure it will seem at least interesting to many experts. As always, with a real practical example at the place of operation. A fan of a double-sided suction in a belt drive (n = 3000 rpm) will act as a test subject.

Balancing → Supply fan balancing
March 31, 2020, 3 p.m.Devices → Modernization of the QUARTZ vibration analyzer
March 28, 2020, 12:03 p.m.QUARTZ is a reliable and multifunctional device. It can hardly be called modern, but you have to work with what you have. One of the problems that you have to put up with is the need to carry an interchangeable set of AA finger batteries. The level of charge that the device shows, to put it mildly, is not reliable and the vibration analyzer can turn off at any time. Batteries had to be recharged once every 1-2 days. This article will talk about a simple way to solve this problem.

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